Over the years, Edgar’s Mission sanctuary near Lancefield, Victoria, has rescued and provided homes for tens of thousands of farmed animals. During the cataclysmic bush fires, they took in additional animals who had been orphaned by the catastrophe. Two of those animals were calves. One perished from their injuries but the second recovered. We see him here at Edgar’s Mission drinking milk from a bottle. The following morning, Jo-Anne toured around the sanctuary, capturing images of Edgar’s Mission’s residents. As the bushfires raged in Australia, We Animals Media sent its founder Jo-Anne McArthur to document its effects on both wild and domestic animals. Working with Animals Australia, Jo-Anne toured thousands of kilometers throughout the states of Victoria and New South Wales. An estimated 3 billion animals were killed or displaced in the fires that season.

The case for a Common Veterinary Area with the EU

January 1, 2024 9:48 pm Published by

TAWC has produced an overview paper to explore the feasibility of a Common Veterinary Area agreement between the UK and the EU, similar to the one currently in place between EU and Switzerland. To enable a successful Common Veterinary Area, there are questions about the degree of conformity required between domestic animal health laws with those of the EU and the potential for departure from those rules, which this report seeks to address. A fuller more technical report sits behind this paper and can be requested by relevant parties.

With the indication that the Labour Party are keen to pursue a CVA and relationships with the EU improving, TAWC hopes this report will be helpful in taking discussions forward.